Monday, July 2, 2012

Between showers on Birchen Edge

Fidel leading Topsail, VS 4c
It's been a busy May and June and this blog's been ignored - I've got out of the habit. Finally, here's a new, high summer update - those in the UK will recognise the irony of the 2012 high summer! Whilst the weather's been setting new all-time records for low temperatures and high rainfall I've been trying to get out and climb a bit between the showers.
I did manage to fall off whilst leading yesterday. Readers who don't climb might like to know that falling off isn't usually a catastrophe - the ropes and gear placements should prevent one hitting the ground. Everything worked as it should and a small graze is all I have to show for my careless footwork. There's no photographic evidence of the fall but here's a picture from the day out at Birchen Edge. Click here to see other photos from yesterday's climbing.