Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Autumn approaching

I've been away from this blog for a few weeks now, focused on other things and probably just a bit lazy! I've just finished working for Endeavour ( I've worked part time for this young person's charity for some years now, charged mostly with organising their annual Canoe Challenge fundraising event. Whilst I like to think the event is better than it ever was, we've always struggled to raise money from doing it so we've decided to give it a miss for 2011 and I've moved on to new things.
So, I think the current double-speak is that, 'it's a new opportunity for me!' I'm looking for something to add to my 'portfolio' of work. I'll take a few weeks to make some decisions whilst keeping busy trying to raise my game and being proactive on my training & development freelance work, my painting and my walks leading. I've been planning next year's walking holiday for my Suffolk based group and painting hard in my garret. Some pictures of painting to come in the next few days but here's a taken during the 2010 Canoe Challenge.

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