Sunday, November 13, 2011

Castle Naze

I've not been keeping up with the blog but I don't think it's down to a lack of things to report. Economically times remain difficult but I've been working hard to generate possibilities and painting a great deal.
The turning back of the clocks each year means the end to evenings out on the gritstone crags and I've not been very dedicated in recent times to finding opportunities to climb during the shortened daylight hours. I also find motivation harder when the rock is greener and more moist though, I know - the winter is supposed to be the best time for grit climbing.
Anyway, I'm determined to climb outdoors throughout this winter taking advantage of the best of Peak District weather at weekends. I may even sneak away for the occasional midweek foray if Fidel can free his hectic daily diary!
To that end I've had a couple of Sunday cragging trips to Castle Naze in the last month with Jill, Paul and Fidel. I like Castle Naze despite it's diminutive size. The rock is mostly good (if you ignore the 'top-outs') and clean. There's protection on most routes and there's plenty in the medium grades, though I've found some of the HVSs well up to their grades. Here's Jill on 'The Fifth Horseman' and Paul on 'Nozag'. Click here for more pictures at Castle Naze.

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