Thursday, April 3, 2014

Heading Off For The Summer

After my back injury last year I'm determined to get out walking and climbing as much as possible -it's much better for me than working at a desk or driving distances for work. So I've been offered and taken on 16 weeks of leading walks in France and Italy between early April and mid September. Most of this is leading for Explore.
So I'm really looking forward to all of these tours but the downside is that it'll reduce the amount of time I have to go climbing. I'm trying to make the best of what the UK has to offer before heading off and managed to get a couple of good days on the gritstone near Skipton. (No photos to show for it.)
Despite rushing around getting things ready for my first trip next week I did force myself out into the misty around Sheffield yesterday; to one of my favourite places, Wyming Brook, and here I did take my camera. Here are a few photos:

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