Friday, March 30, 2012

Springtime rock

I've not been writing my blog for a while, I've been playing truant; off climbing in the fine, warm March weather. A few of us had booked a short Scottish winter climbing trip for the third week of March but there was clearly no winter to be found so we changed plans - when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
A couple of days camping and rock climbing in Langdale was the result, climbing in t-shirts in the warm sunshine - it's always sunny and warm in the Lake District.. It was just Fidel and myself so there was not much considered photography, but here's a good shot he took me at the start of the second pitch of 'Haste Not' on White Ghyll Crag.
I've also had a few days out in the Peak Distict, on Froggatt and Stanage Edges. It's tough, I know, but if I didn't somebody else would have to do it.

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