Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lifting winter's gloom - the FFA (First Fruit Ascent) of Master's Edge

A banana has stunned the fruit & veg world by making the coveted FFA (First Fruit Ascent) of Master’s Edge.
The ascent came after an intensive 2 week period of ripening up nicely in a Sheffield cellar.
Master’s Edge was discovered and climbed using aid in 1999 by Kumquat Bartlett.
The route later defeated Fairtrade attempts by Kiwi Haston, who pronounced it impossible;
 “You’d have to carry 160 kilos of camming devices... fall off and you’re purée!”

Last Saturday I ventured out into the Peak, to Millstone Edge with my camera to join a group engaged in annual collective silliness. (Click here for more pics.)
Pete Whittaker and Tom Randall, (click here for their blog) climbers of renown were attempting a birthday ascent of the intimidating and difficult Master's Edge - E7 6c... in fancy dress!
In sub zero temperatures and with snow starting to fall their fingers would become numb on the icy gritstone after only a few metres of climbing. Pete fell on his first few attempts, complicated by the fact that his banana costume obscured his view to the holds in any direction other than straight in front. How Tom didn't instantly freeze in his skimpy, armless magenta dress I have no idea - maybe the blonde wig helped.


  1. Are you Maltese Joe?? Your surname is! regds
    Simon Alden

    1. Half & half, Simon. Maltese father, English Mother but been in the UK since I was 6. Still get mistaken for a local when I'm there, though.

  2. Hi, it's John Hardwick's daughter. My dad lost your contact details and would like to get in touch with you re. hvaff film festival exhibition. please phone 07780914787 or email ja.hardwick@btinternet.com. Thanks. ps great work!!
