Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cycling above Ladybower

I've not been out on my bike for a long time but this week I changed from road tyres to the rough knobbly ones and, today, I got out into the blustery Peak District to give it (and myself) an outing. I've a favourite short ride which starts at Fairholmes and climbs up to pass by Lockerbrook. I usually go clockwise on this, down the east side of Ladybower to the A57 Viaduct, up to Crook Hill, past Lockerbrook and back down to the Derwent Reservoir. This gives you an ascent which is honest hard work and a downhill to Derwent Reservoir which is rough and steep.
This morning however, things looked different. With strong westerly winds I didn't fancy the battle uphill against the wind in the open. Reversing it would give me the wind behind me on the open high ground. The downside to this plan was the first, vicious uphill away from Derwent Reservoir, which saw me pushing my bike for a few hundred metres.

After that however, plain sailing - almost literally as the wind inflated my windproof top and blew me nicely along to the top of the lovely, broad, grassy ridge and rapidly back to the valley.
(BTW: the strained expression on my face is that of an old bloke who's rushed back to get on his bike before the 10 second camera timer runs out!)

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